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Parent's Place     Student Work

Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra Musicians in Residence Program.
Specials Reporter, Nate

In music, we are working with the KSO string quartet.  We are working to           

compose a song that we will perform for the school.  In art, we finished painting

pictures of birds for the KSO Musicians in Residence program.  In physical     

education, we just started volleyball.  In library, on the second week of March, we      

had a book fair.  At the book fair, they bring in books that we can buy.                           

As you can see, we are very busy!

All About Science
Science Reporter, Torie

In science, we made metamorphic rocks with pancakes.  We put               

marshmallows, chocolate chips, and nuts on them.  We also used cooking spray        

so the pancakes would not stick.  We dropped some marshmallows and         

chocolate onto the pancakes and watched them melt.  The pancakes were all     

different sizes.  It was so much fun!

All About Math
Math Reporter, Brittany

In math, we have been working on changing fractions into percents using                       

a calculator.    We figured out that you have to take the top number of a fraction           

(the numerator) and divide it by the bottom number (the denominator).  Then             

you move the decimal two places to the right to get the percentage.